About Us



House of Possibility was born out of a joyful desire to inform, connect and develop bright minds. When we get together, we activate positive change.

Even though we have a pulse on what’s current, cutting-edge and coming up in our various industries, it doesn’t mean we need to put together stuffy panels full of small talk or events that don’t quite leave us desperate to attend again. Life is meant to be fun but when you’re at the top, it can sometimes be a bit insular. We are here to do good and share ideas but who with?

With our interesting, playful platform, we curate quite a small but powerful group of impact-makers. We prefer the term, ‘Possibilitarians’ rather than members - because we do not pay a membership fee. Instead, we are invite-only - rather like a ‘list’ of likeminds. Also, we are not just high-achievers, we are high-vibrational.

You know, we aim to be the kind of people you actually want to get sat next to at a dinner. And we throw those sort of dinners. The ones where you think ‘phew’ once you meet who’s there, and leave later than you intended to. This is because we each do our own ‘work’ as well as the work we do in the world; be that with mindfulness, wellbeing techniques, self-development methods, retreats or mindset. We’re curious for cutting-edge ways to succeed, balance and grow. If you’re already part of this society (or whatever this is) you’ll ‘get it’.

In a discreet but powerful way, by setting up regular creative spaces to connect within, we manifest the life and results we truly desire because we use our unique ‘can-do’ energy to fuel future possibilities.

When we are not meeting up in person for brunches, think-tanks and soirees in London, NYC or Paris, we put together select events, cultural programming and offer sponsorship opportunities for those who share the same frequency.



Far from the model of working more, pushing more, hustling harder - we have created a more meaningful and effective way to achieve fast and previously unthinkable results without making a dent in your emotional, physical and mental wellbeing.

If you’re within House of Possibility we represent your next stage of all-round success and growth by looking at who and how you are: Vision-led, self- aware, conscious and mindful , whilst being playful and proactive.

Developing a 360’ life strategy is key to creating lasting change in every area.


“Become a possibilitarian.  No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities ––always see them, for they're always there."

- Norman Vincent Peale


Possibilitarians are a ‘Top Table’ of people we consider to be the most inspiring, impactful people of today and tomorrow.

Collectively known as our ‘Possibilitarians’ (members just doesn’t sound right to us), each person and pronoun involved with what we do brings a unique experience and verve to our vibration.

Some of our Founding Possibilitarians include British Fashion Council CEO Caroline Rush CBE and Broadcaster Laura Whitmore, as well as men and women across the industries of investment, the arts, hospitality, tech, humanitarianism, neuroscience, the media and government.

Together, we enjoy time to focus on ‘big picture’ social transformation as well as tapping into own personal growth and we support this good work of charities and various collaborations for positive change.


Powered by Possibilities.